D-Blaze Fire-Retardant Treated Plywood Passes 2021 Building Code Standards
D-Blaze FRTW Passes 2021 IBC New UL Test Requirements
See our UltraTie™ ad in RTA's "Crossties" Mar/Apr 2024 Issue
UltraTie treated with DCOI is closing in fast for the finish line, just like our very own Steve Furr, Director of Engineering and Technical Services, an IHRA Hall of Famer.
All end cuts and drilled holes need to be field-treated.
"Field treatment is not often practiced, but is a condition for warranty coverage for most preservative manufacturers."
Know the difference with Ecolife® DCOI treated wood
Ecolife, the environmentally advanced, non-metalic wood preservative for decking, railing, joists, beams and any above ground, outdoor projects
FAQs: UltraPole NXT with DCOI
The gamechanger in wood utility poles - UltraPole®NXT with DCOI. FAQs answered!
South Central Power Co., first to install UltraPole® wood utility poles
South Central Power Company was the first electric cooperative to install and test wood poles treated with UltraPole®NXT in 2018.
AWPA Standardizes DCOI for Additional Crosstie Wood Species
The standard becomes effective when published in the AWPA’s “Book of Standards” in June 2024.
Jobsite field notes for D-Blaze® fire retardant treated wood
Field notes for D-Blaze FRTW on the job site. See the details.
Ten ways to enjoy your deck this winter
Some people cover their outdoor furniture and basically hibernate in their homes during the winter. Instead of defaulting to the den in front of the TV, create memorable moments on your deck in the colder months.
The Top 10 D-Blaze FAQs
Read for the most asked questions on D-Blaze fire retardant treated wood and plywood. Contact our experts anytime to answer your questions.
Need your CEU's? - Free Online FRTW and Treated Wood Courses
FREE IN-PERSON, FRTW CEU course! Now three CEU courses available online and in-person. Check out the details!
The do's and don'ts to remove snow and ice from your deck.
Check out the do's and don'ts to remove snow and ice from your deck.
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