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Buy American Act
Download Buy American Act letter
June, 2021
Dear Valued Customer,
This letter serves as compliance certification that Viance preservatives for the following brand(s) are manufactured in the United States and meet the requirements of the Buy American Act.
(1) D-Blaze® - Fire retardant treated wood and plywood for interior use
(2) Preserve® CA-C - Copper Azole Type C for residential, commercial and agricultural use
(3) Preserve® CA-B - Copper Azole Type B for residential, commercial and agricultural use (Canada)
(4) SupaTimber® CCA - Chromated Copper Arsenate for industrial and commercial applications
On January 25, 2021, President Biden signed an Executive Order that strengthens the Buy American Act provisions, pushing federal agencies to buy more products made in the United States and closing loopholes in the existing provisions.
The Buy American Act applies to all U.S. federal government agency purchases of goods over $10,000 and under the Trade Agreement Act threshold (generally $182,000 for supply contracts and $7,008,000 for construction contracts). When purchased by federal entities for public use, the Act requires that these goods be produced in the U.S. and at least 50 percent of the cost of their components must come from the U.S.
Products that do not meet the definition of domestic end product are subject to a price penalty, although there are certain waivers and exceptions. The Order creates a “Made in America Office” to manage the waiver process, increase scrutiny of waiver requests and ultimately reduce the number of waivers granted.
If you should need further information, please contact your sales representative or anyone at our office so that we may assist you.
Thank you for your interest in Viance products.
Jonathan Whitehead
Eastern Region Sales
Todd Schoffstoll
Western Regional Manager
- Green Product Certifications and Contribution Points for Building Rating Systems
ULTRAPOLE® NXT poles and crossarms with DCOI
UltraPole NXT poles and crossarms are formulated with the active ingredient DCOI, an environmentally advanced oil-borne preservative designed for utility infrastructure for wood poles and crossarms.
Fact Sheet
Product Page
UltraPole NXT and DCOI Product Page
Dedicated Website
Code Compliance
Fact Sheets
Technical Bulletins
UL Certifications
Free Online CEU Course
AIA Course VIA06E - Fire Retardant Treated Wood in Single, Multi-family and Commercial Structures
Free In-person CEU Course
AIA Course IVIA06A - Fire Retardant Treated Wood in Single, Multi-family and Commercial Structures
Product Page
Ressources En Francais
Preserve CA is copper azole and contains 100% recycled copper and is available in ground contact or above ground applications depending on the preservative retention level in the wood. Check the end tag for proper use.
The Preserve CA-C, Copper Azole Type C preservative formulation is made of 96.1 % soluble copper and organic triazole co-biocides; tebuconazole and propiconazole, which help control copper-tolerant fungi. Preserve CA-C is widely used across the USA.
The Preserve CA-B, Copper Azole Type B formulation is very similar, also made of 96.1% soluble copper and 3.7% tebuconazole. Preserve CA-C has been registered for use in Canada since 2002.
Fact Sheet
French Tech Bulletins
Product Page
Ecolife (EL2) is DCOI or 4,5-dichloro-2-n-octyl-4-isothiazolin-3-1, a non-metallic, environmentally-advanced preservative for above ground applications that are six inches or more above the ground.
Ecolife was standardized by the AWPA for use in 2008 and is the only preservative standardized with an integrated water repellent.
Benefits include 50% less cracking, straighter boards and water repellency lasting up to three years.
Ecolife is also sold under the Severe Weather® brand at Lowe's®.
Fact Sheet
Product Pages
Designwood is a premium, long-lasting colorant that can be added to Preserve CA to infuse color throughout the wood. This provides a finished project from the start with no need to initially stain. Saves a lot of time and money especially for decking, stairs, railing and balusters, bridges and fencing.
Fact Sheet
Product Page
DesignWood Pressure Treated Lumber Product Page
TimberSaver is a water-borne borate treatment or DOT (disoldium octaborate tetrahydrate). Lower in toxicity, TimberSaver is used for interior treatments for sill plates, framing, furring strips, trusses, joists and sheathing, especially in areas of high termite risk.
Fact Sheet
Technical Bulletins
Product Page
SupaTimber is CCA (chromated copper arsenate) used in industrial and commercial applications such as fences, posts, poles and marine facilities.
*SupaTimber CCA is manufactured and sold by Venator, LLC., and marketed by Viance under license.
Product Page
MoldEX® mildewcide is an isothiazolinone compound for the temporary control of mold and mildew in treated wood building products. MoldEX products are environmentally friendly and do not persist in the environment.
Fact sheet
MoldEX Features and Benefits
- Liquid product
- Highly active microbiocide
- Low environmental toxicity
- Easy to incorporate
- Low dosage required, cost-effective
- Good supply and availability
- Global production capabilities
Active Ingredients
Stable Formulation containing:
MoldEX 45: 45% OIT (2-n-octyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one; 45% by weight
MoldEX 14: 10.4% CMIT (5-chloro-2-methyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one) and 3.7% MIT (2-methyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one); 14.1% total by weight
The active ingredient is not changed by short-term temperature stress during processing at up to 60°C. However, the product stability is affected by alkalinity and oxidizing agents in the treatment solution. For best results, the treatment solution should be sampled regularly and the active level of MoldEX products monitored and used as required to maintain the desired concentration.
Application and Activity
MoldEX 45 at a concentration in the range of 220 to 250 ppm of active ingredient is recommended for the control of mold in copper azole, type C (Preserve® CA-C) treating solutions.
MoldEX 14 at a concentration in the range of 35 to 45 ppm of active ingredient is recommended for the control of mold in TimberSaver®, D-Blaze® fire retardant treated wood, SupaTimber® CCA and Preserve® CA-C.
Many factors such as humidity, air circulation, depth of penetration, moisture content, mildew and mold affects the performance of the treatment. Therefore, the protection period can vary. Testing and experience from our technical experts will help you determine the solution for your treatment.
Product Page
- How to Specify Treated Wood